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Assignments for Weeks 123456 7891011121314 15

Week 1 Tasks and Assignments

1. Complete the class check-in form.

If you have not done so already, go to the Section page and click on the link near the bottom of the page for Check-In. You will be taken to a page where you will need to create a username and password. Once you press the submit button, your instructor will get an email stating that you checked in. Within 24 hours of your checking in, your instructor will activate your class account so you can access all the class pages with your username and password.

2. Obtain class book and notes CD, and software if needed.

Be sure to get the correct CD.

There are old versions from last semester. They will not work for this course. We have totally rewritten the materials for CS2.

3. Introduce yourself to your instructor.

  • Complete and submit the Instructor form to let me know a little about yourself so that I can teach you more effectively. If you are going to use a computer other than the college lab, you will tell me the platform (Mac or Windows), operating system, processor speed, and how much RAM is in your system.
  • If you have any special needs or concerns, you can also tell me about them here. Anything you put in your instructor introduction will be kept confidential.

4. Introduce yourself to the class on the Discussion Forum.

  • The passwording for the forum is independent of the SRJC CATE system that we use for the rest of the course. Before you can post to the forum for the first time, you will need to click the Register link at the top of the forum. Then you will need to log in before you can post a message.
  • Whatever you post to the forum will be visible to the open Internet. Any images you upload are behind the college firewall and only visible to me and your classmates. Only I can see your quizzes and worksheets.

5. Carefully review our section home page to acclimate yourself to the class web site and learn how to submit your homework.

6. Skim Getting Started and Lesson 1, CIB.

  • The first chapter of the CIB covers a bunch of stuff, much of which which is quite technical for a beginning Photoshop student. The essential parts of the chapter are Pp. 42-47 on using Photoshop Help and the Adobe web site.
  • Photoshop is a huge, complex application. When you start out, it can be overwhelming. For this first lesson, concentrate on identifying the major workspace landmarks, and beginning to differentiate the various tools and palettes.
  • We will review as we go along. Don't expect to know where everything is the first week.
  • Many students find it is helpful to repeat each hands-on lesson twice. The first time through, focus on understanding the lesson's instructions. The second time through, concentrate on Photoshop.
  • There is nothing to turn in from Lesson 1.

Week 2 Tasks and Assignments

1. From the notes CD, read and do Chapter 1: Photoshop Basics.

  • Remember, you cannot print the notes in the CIS computer lab.
  • Do each step through step 7 on page 19, name the file pumpkin1.jpg, and upload it to the Pumpkin Inbox. When you upload a file, your name will be added to the file name.
  • View the carved pumpkin gallery.

2. Take Quiz 1

  • All exams in this class are timed (one minute per question), open book open-note, open Photoshop. But, the more you read and study before taking each exam, the more you will learn. Once you open an exam, take it. (Your instructor can tell if you open and close exams without taking them.)
  • This quiz covers overall course mechanics and the topics in Chapter 1 of the notes CD, and Photoshop Help from Lesson 1, CIB.

Week 3 Tasks and Assignments

Selection is such an important topic that you have two guided exercises to follow: one from the notes CD and one from the textbook.

1. From the notes CD, read and do Chapter 2: Selection.

  • Do each step through step 12, p.31.
  • Save for Web following the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD, and upload to the tool critter inbox.

2. Read and Do Lesson 5, CIB, Working with Selections.

  • Do each step through step 7, p.153.
  • Save for Web following the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD, and upload to the CIB Lesson 05 inbox.

3. Take Quiz 2.

Week 4 Tasks and Assignments

1. From the notes CD, read and do Chapter 3: Layers.

  • There is nothing to turn in from this chapter.

2. Read and Do Lesson 6, CIB, Layer Basics.

  • Do each step through step 5, p.180.
  • Save for Web following the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD, and upload to the Lesson 6 inbox.
    Note: Pp. 181-182 show the steps to flatten the file. Typically, you should not flatten documents with Type layers, because it lessens the quality of the printout, This document is low-resolution and will not print well anyway (more on that in week 8.)

3. Make your own tool critter.

  • Begin with toolcritter-start.jpg.
  • Select each tool, and copy and paste it onto its own layer. Remember to name those layers.
  • Select the entire background and press the delete key to fill the background with a solid color.
  • Using layers to simplify the process, use the tool layers to make your own critter. Feel free to duplicate layers, transform them, add layer styles, etc. to make your critter more interesting. The critters can be either fairly realistic, or completely fanciful.
  • Use the Type tool to give your critter a title.
  • Save for Web following the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD, and upload to the tool project inbox.
  • View the tool project gallery.

4. Take Quiz 3.

Week 5 Tasks and Assignments

1. Dress Russell your way.

Russell Brown is an Adobe Photoshop Evangelist, which means he travels to computer shows and conferences all over the world demonstrating fun and tricky things you can do with Photoshop.You can check out his web site:
  • The basic instructions are on Pp. 184-185 of the CIB. You will need QuickTime installed on your computer to watch the movie, and please check out a headset if you are working in the lab.
  • The CIB CD has lots more outfits than the one shown in the movie. Have fun dressing Russell just the way you want.
  • Save for Web following the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD, and upload to the Dress Russell inbox.
  • View the online gallery of your classmates' costumes.

2. From the notes CD, read and do Chapter 4: Painting.

  • Do each step through step 38, p.57.
  • Save for Web following the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD, and upload to the cartoon inbox.
  • View the online gallery of your classmates' cartoons.

3. Take Quiz 4.

Week 6 Tasks and Assignments

1. From the notes CD, read and do Chapter 5: Layers Case Study.

  • Complete Guided Exercise 1, Build a Composite Image.
  • Save for Web following the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD, and upload to the layers case study inbox.
  • View the online gallery of your classmates' layers case studies.

2. There is NO reading in the Classroom in a Book this week.

3. Take Quiz 5.

Week 7 Tasks and Assignments

1. From the notes CD, study Chapter 6: Copyright, Image Sources, and Bridge.

  • There is nothing to hand in from this chapter.

2. Read and Do Lesson 2, CIB, Using Adobe Bridge.

  • There is nothing to hand in from this chapter.

3. Do the About Me Composite Project.

  • Create a blank document, 5 x 7 inches, or 7 x 5 inches, at the appropriate resolution for your printer.
  • Locate at least four images to include in a composite image that will show the class what you are interested in. Your images can be those you took from a digital camera, scanned from your personal photo collection, or you downloaded from a site for downloading free photos:
  • Locate at least one image from Adobe Stock Photos to include in your composite image about yourself. You can only use low-resolution comps from Adobe Stock photo without paying a large fee, but you can resize parts of these images to fill a smaller area in your composite - as long as you are a student using the low-res comp for non-professional purposes.
  • Use selected parts of those images to build your composite. As you do, you should use each of the following:
    1. A layer or selection that is transformed.
    2. A layer opacity less than 100%
    3. A layer blending mode other than Normal
    4. A layer style
  • Incorporate painted elements into your composite. Use:
    1. A gradient
    2. Something painted with the Brush tool
    3. A stroked selection
    4. A filled selection
  • Save your document as me.psd and print it on photo-quality paper. (Since we submit assignments online, you will not submit your printout.)
  • Save for Web following the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD, and upload to the About Me inbox. For comparison, print the web-sized version on the same paper as the original.
  • Fill out the About Me Documentation Form where you will answer the questions below. (You may want to keep track of them as you work.)
    1. List each image you used, along with its source, and explain briefly why you have the right to use it.
    2. Identify at least one item that you transformed.
    3. Describe at least one layer with an opacity less than 100%.
    4. Describe at least one layer with a blend mode other than Normal.
    5. Describe at least one layer with a layer style.
    6. Where did you use a gradient? Something painted with the Brush tool? A stroked selection? A filled selection?
    7. How do your high-resolution and web-quality printouts compare?
    8. Evaluate your project. What do your like? What don’t you like?
    9. Describe any problems you had.
  • View the About Me gallery to see your classmates' work.

4. Take Quiz 6.

Week 8 Tasks and Assignments - October 9-16

1. From the notes CD, read and do Chapter 7: Resolution and Printing.

  • There is nothing to submit from this chapter.

2. There is NO reading in the Classroom in a Book this week and no homework projects. It's catch-up time. Review the previous lecture notes and reading in preparation for the Midterm Exam.

3. Take Quiz 7.

Week 9 Tasks and Assignments - October 16-23

1. From the notes CD, study Chapter 8: Simple Automation Commands.

  • On your own, make and print a Contact Sheet and a Picture Package. (They will not be graded.)
  • If desired, you might also make a Web Photo Gallery. If you upload it, consider sending the URL to the discussion forum to share with your classmates.

2. Take the Midterm Exam.

Week 10 Tasks and Assignments - October 23-30

1. From the notes CD, read and do Chapter 9: Painting with Special Tools.

  • Make two Picture Package documents, each 4 up, from the eight guided exercises in this chapter. The order of the photos in the packages doesn't matter, just make sure you use all eight and don't repeat.
  • For each Picture Package document, use Save for Web modifying the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD so that the largest dimension is 720 pixels, and name the first one pp1.jpg and the second one pp2.jpg. It is OK to have these files be 120 kb, as they have a few more pixels than most you have submitted.
  • Upload both files to the paint packages inbox.

2. Read and Do Lesson 4: CIB, Pp. 111-116.

  • Repair the crew image up through step 5, p. 116.
  • Save for Web following the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD, and upload to the lesson 4 inbox.

Week 11 Tasks and Assignments - October 30 - November 6

1. From the notes CD, read and do Chapter 10: Cropping and Simple Corrections.

  • Complete Guided Exercise 6 (misnumbered Exercise 5, on page 111): Replace Color
  • Save for Web following the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD, and upload to the Simple Correction inbox.

2. Read and Do Lesson 3, CIB, Basic Photo Correction, through step 4, p. 106.

  • Save for Web following the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD, and upload to the lesson 3 inbox.

3. Read and Do Lesson 8, CIB, Basic Photo Correction, p. 232-233, step 6.

  • Save for Web following the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD, and upload to the lesson 8 inbox.

4. Take online Quiz 8.

Week 12 Tasks and Assignments - November 6-13

1. From the notes CD, read and do Chapter 11: Fixing Image Tone and Color.

  • Complete Guided Exercise 3 (not in the Table of Contents): Identify and Correct a Color Cast
  • Save for Web following the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD, and upload to the Color Cast inbox.

2. Complete the Image Tone Project.

  • Open birdwall.jpg in the student_folder on the Notes CD. It is a digital camera image of a bird on a wall.
  • Straighten and crop the image.
  • Use Auto Levels or Auto Color to improve the tonal range and remove the color cast.
  • Use Replace Color to change the color of at least two of the elements of the image, such as the blue wall and the flower.
  • Save for Web following the directions at the end of Chapter 4 in the CD notes, naming it tone.jpg, and uploading it to the Image Tone inbox.
  • View the gallery of your classmates' image corrections.

3. Take Quiz 9.

Week 13 Tasks and Assignments - November 13 - 27 (two weeks - Happy Thanksgiving!)

1. From the notes CD, read and do Chapter 12: Image Correction Case Study.

  • Complete Case Study 2.
  • Save for Web following the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD, and upload to the Correction Case Study inbox.
  • Look at the gallery of images for this assignment.

2. Complete the Repair and Correct Project.

  • For this assignment, download an image in need of repair from the RetouchPro site. You will submit before and after versions of your restoration. As a Photoshop novice, your goal is to make the after image look better - but in most cases it will not be perfect.
  • Save the original and improved images for the Web following the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD. Name the files before.jpg and after.jpg and upload to the Correction Case Study inbox (same place that you uploaded the Case Study).
  • View the gallery of your classmates' restorations.

Week 14 Tasks and Assignments - November 27 - December 4

1. From the notes CD, read and do Chapter 13: Fun with Filters.

  • Make a Picture Package of your completed images from Guided Exercises 1-3.
  • Use Save for Web modifying the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD so that the largest dimension is 720 pixels, and name it filters.jpg. It is OK for the file to be up to 120 kb, as it has a few more pixels than most you have submitted.
  • Upload to the Fun Filters inbox.

Week 15 & Finals Tasks and Assignments - December 4 - 18

1. From the notes CD, read and do Chapter 14: Putting it All Together.

  • When you complete the chapter, you should have three original postcards, based on the the hydrant, sunflower, and gerber daisy starting images.
  • Save each for the Web following the directions in Chapter 1 of the notes CD, and upload the three files to the Postcards inbox.
  • View the gallery of your classmates' postcards.

2. Begin Final Project.

  • On your own, make two original postcards. You will provide the images. One postcard will begin with an image that you have restored; the other will begin with an object that you have removed from its background. Be sure to exercise your Photoshop skills - use any of the commands/skills/features you've learned so far to make these interesting.
  • Submit the original (or 'before') versions of your images (the one to be restored and the one to be removed from its background) to the Final Project drop box. Be sure they meet the normal file submission guidelines.
  • Submit the finished versions of the two original postcards to the Final Project drop box. Be sure they meet the normal file submission guidelines.
  • View the gallery of postcard images.

3. Take Final Exam.

Your final exam and Big Project MUST be submitted by midnight on Monday, December 18. I might be soft on deadlines during the semester, when you have good excuses, but I have only a couple of days after that to get the Gradebook wrapped up and your grades submitted.

© 2006 Barbara Heiman, Corrine Haverinen and Donald Laird. Printing (other than to study), file duplication or Internet publishing is prohibited without prior written permission from the authors.

Santa Rosa Junior College is an Adobe Certified Training Center, and all of our Photoshop instructors are Adobe Certified. The authors have prepared the notes on their own time on their own equipment. Instructors beyond our college: contact us if you would like to discuss using these materials in your course. Otherwise, please do not link to them.